Risk Management and Practice Support
At ChiroFutures, we believe very strongly that risk management and a successful practice go hand in hand. We are actively engaged in developing and bringing you the resources you need to accomplish these goals. As a ChiroFutures RPG member, you will have access to office forms, case studies, clinical tips, microlectures and other resources to help you in communicating with your patients and reducing your risk. In addition, we will be available personally to assist you with your specific practice situations when you need a second opinion on your patient procedures.
Practice Assessment Risk Surveys
- Review of advertising copy
- Review of website
- Review of recordkeeping
- Review of clinical procedures
Practice Resources
- Chiropractic Dissection and Stroke
- Informed Consent
- Case of the month
- Microlectures
Clinical & Practice Risk Management Consults
One of our many Members Benefits is your access to help, advice, and guidance regarding your practice and risk management. Just call our 800 number and our Team will get you in touch with the best person to answer your questions.