Guidance for Chiropractors from the ChiroFutures Malpractice Insurance Program

In the realm of chiropractic care, ensuring proper consent is not just a matter of adhering to legal protocols—it’s about making sure both the patient and the doctor are protected. This is particularly important when the patient in question is a minor.

Recently, Dr. Marcus reached out to ChiroFutures with a dilemma: a 17.5-year-old patient wished to receive treatment in his clinic without a parent or guardian present. Dr. Marcus was uncertain about how to navigate this situation.

Understanding the Importance of Consent

For a minor, which in legal terms refers to anyone under the age of 18, certain procedures and standards need to be met. In the case Dr. Marcus presented, the patient, despite being close to adulthood at 17.5 years of age, is still legally a minor. The first step for any practitioner would be to obtain a signed consent from a responsible adult before any treatment.

However, what happens when there is a wrinkle in the narrative, like the minor being estranged from her parents? Dr. Marcus rightfully pointed out this concern. It’s crucial to understand that being estranged doesn’t equate to emancipation. Even if a minor is living separately from her parents, this doesn’t automatically grant her adult privileges in the eyes of the law.

Financial Responsibilities and Consent

Another crucial aspect that Dr. Marcus highlighted was the issue of financial responsibility. Who pays for the treatment? If a minor claims responsibility, how reliable is this commitment? Minors generally cannot enter binding contracts, so this adds another layer of complexity to the situation.

Dr. Marcus did provide an additional piece of information—the minor lives with her 28-year-old sister. This could potentially change the dynamics. Even though the sister might not have legal custody, she could potentially provide consent. However, before making any decisions, it’s paramount to understand the full legal status of the minor.

Risks and Further Implications

Treating a minor without proper consent can lead to significant legal and ethical issues. Moreover, there’s the risk of unwittingly getting entangled in complicated family dynamics or custody disputes. These situations can not only put the chiropractor’s practice in jeopardy but also risk the well-being of the minor in question.

The Vital Role of a Reliable Malpractice Provider

This situation underscores the importance of having a dependable malpractice insurance provider like ChiroFutures. Beyond just offering coverage, ChiroFutures serves as a trusted advisor, providing clarity in complex situations, ensuring that both the patient’s and chiropractor’s interests are safeguarded.

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, having a partner to guide you through the nuances of risk management is invaluable. For Dr. Marcus and many other practitioners, ChiroFutures plays that pivotal role, helping navigate the complexities of treating minor patients and other risk-prone scenarios.

To any chiropractor out there who might find themselves in a similar situation: remember, you’re not alone. Reach out, ask questions, and ensure you have the right guidance to make informed decisions. And always, always prioritize the safety and well-being of your patients.