Our Philosophy
ChiroFutures is a Risk Purchasing Group (RPG) founded by chiropractors in partnership with Great Divide Insurance Company as the carrier and Sonoran National Insurance Group as the program administrator.
Our combined expertise, security, and shared resources enable us to better serve chiropractors and the profession through providing a comprehensive, quality professional liability insurance policy and an organized and systematic approach to risk management and best practices.
We offer what no other malpractice provider offers: a partnership with you. The future of this profession rests in the hands of the practicing chiropractor and we want our doctors to be able to focus on building a busy practice full of happy patients. We work to remove the fear, worry, and obstacles that get in the way of practice.
Chances are that the only time you think about your malpractice carrier is when your yearly premium is due. We want to change that by building a long term relationship and partnering with you to create an environment in your office where people feel truly cared for. Not only does this reduce your risk of a malpractice claim, but it builds a strong foundation for a busy office full of happy patients.
We have a combined 60 years practicing and working within the chiropractic profession. Together we have served on numerous chiropractic association boards, research foundations and task forces. We have fought for and defended chiropractic politically at the state and national levels.
Unlike others doing business in the profession, we are not in chiropractic…chiropractic is in us.
The future of the chiropractic profession rests in the hands of this generation of practitioners and we pledge to be good citizens of the profession. We will never support, endorse, or contribute to anything that is not consistent with the founding principles of the profession.
We are strong believers in research and the power it has to ensure the profession’s future. It is for this reason that we strongly support research efforts such as those of the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation and the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association with our commitment and our combined resources.